Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Summer camp

This is not something I personally have to worry about but it's that time of year and the great American summer tradition has made it across the pond to little ol' England. The camp in question is called Camp Quest. Set up in the US in 1996, this is a camp for children who don't believe in God. Now, I am a Roman Catholic but I never bring this up in normal conversation and I make a point of not discussing my views with people I meet during everyday life (this is probably some suppressed catholic guilt but that is a whole other story which we can tackle another day!). My point today is why on earth make a camp for children that is specifically made to promote atheism, which is in itself a choice to not believe in God and a choice to not have faith. Can a 7 year old child really decide that they don't want to believe in a higher power, any more than they can choose to believe that they do?

The founders of Camp Quest allege that atheists are not allowed to join Scouts or Guides. Is this true? Apart from usual camp activities, they teach the scientific beginnings of the earth and attempt to dis-prove the existence of things like unicorns to nullify the existence of God by association. Come on, throw me a bone - this is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in a long time (even more so than the green shoots of recovery!!). What is the world coming to? Just send your kids to the same camp their friends are going to. Let them sit round a fire and sing ging-gang-goolie after a day kayaking on the lake. They have plenty of time to sit round their fraternity common room arguing over existentialism and heaven/hell whilst smoking banned substances as they come of age. In the meantime, let them believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. The race is not to have the freakiest kids who know the truth about everything, it's to enjoy the fact that they are KIDS and to protect their innocence as long as you can. I find the idea of Camp Quest about as appealing as Bible Camp. Shades of grey people, shades of grey!!!


  1. Wow!!! Our abortion protestors in the US need to know of camp quest. This could keep them busy! Very pear shaped. LOL

    I do believe in God, but the sign still makes me giggle. I am sure the atheists would argue why send them to God camp that they are too young to make their minds up on this.

    Otin is an atheist. We need to send him over to be a camp counselor.

  2. O- Atheism is not a choice or a belief, Atheism is a lack of beliefs. There are very few actual atheists, the people that push it as a religious choice are not really atheists, they are just living for the confrontational value of the argument. A true atheist, like myself, envies a person of faith, wants to be able to have that faith and belief system! I would love to think that there is an afterlife! I hate the way that people try to push atheism as a religion! When I was a child, I was always happier when I thought that there was a Santa, I would never want to take that away from a child! I think people should expose their children to religion and let them decide as they grow up, if they believe or not, and if they do, then a person should never take that away from them! People think that atheists are for abortion, that is bullshit, a true atheist values life more than anything because we view life as being precious and final! I hate confrontational atheism!

  3. whew, I was ranting! LOL!

  4. sure, hit us with a few comments, and then off again! lol

  5. Wow! I had no idea Camp Quest was that... I believe in God, and ironically enough, I sent my daughter to Day Camp this week at the local community center...know what T-Shirt she wore home today from her final day field trip? A Camp Quest one! So apparently, here in Small Town America, either that's their 'answer' to not going to Vacation Bible School, or they're clueless...I'm guessing the latter... 'cuz I sure was! ;)

  6. I'm agnostic and I'm appalled at this camp. My son is 8 and I want him to be able to chose what is right for him. He knows my beliefs, but I also try to educate him about other choices as well. I actually read him a childrens bible at night before he goes to bed because he asked me to.

    Also - he's in Boy Scouts and I think the stuff they talk about when it comes to religion is crap but i don't make a stink about it. He's happy just to be there and be around his friends and I have no problem with it.

  7. If you don't start blogging I am coming to London and am going to kick you in (TMFASHTYWSMS) email me if you cannot figure that one out!!!
